journal 16


I also read the narrative from Betty and thought it was very intriguing. It is insane at how far our technology has advanced since the 1918 flu pandemic, but it is also crazy what we’re going through now. To think we don’t exactly know a vaccine or cure to this pandemic is crazy seeing how much we have already developed. Also, it is crazy that the flu is still around, and the outbreak occurred in 1918, but it is refreshing knowing that we now have medicine to help us recover from it instead of having 1/3 of the population continuing to die. It blows my mind that at the age of 4 she had to decide on whether to be a part of an “experiment” and that the medicine was life or death. Overall, I thought it was a great read and thought you took some good pieces out of it.


I really enjoyed that you connected these to what is going on today, because as I was reading these, I was doing the same exact thing. I wondered if the current pandemic we’re having is going to kill 1/3 of the population, and when it is going to end. We are beginning to close businesses, and shut down schools, and some countries are in lock down so what is next. We have the technology to figure it out, but will it be soon enough? Scary thought but it is reality. I enjoyed how you described the plantings article because I read a similar one and got a completely different take on it. It is crazy how they began using schools to place coffins, because once the pandemic was over, did those schools have to be closed? It is such crazy concept that one may have never thought was possible, but I guess at that time, so many bodies needed a place to go and with that space running out they have to reside to their last resort. overall, I enjoyed reading how you connected this to today’s issues and how you gave your interpretation of each piece.

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