journal 19

The 1918 flu pandemic had an immense impact on the world’s population, killing almost 1/3 of it. Knowing that something so powerful and so deadly is towering over you without a cure could chill someone’s blood. The people fighting this illness and the people trying to find a cure for it are tired, beat up, defeated, and truly lifeless. They had to have been overwhelmed with this increasing number of people being affected, and not only that but dying. Families were being split up, schools were being used as a place to hold coffins, stores were closed, everyone and everything was at stake. They no longer had people to work… so they thought. The people who weren’t sick were risking their lives to help the people who were losing their lives. The people working for the Red Cross had no idea if they would ever get sick or when this illness would dissipate, but still, they put themselves out there to make a difference. Although scary, they persevered and put their lives on hold and at risk to help put this illness to rest at a quicker rate than it was. We look up to these people and thank them for all they have done. They’re brave, selfless, hardworking, and caring. They most certainly could’ve sat home and stayed away from all of it, taking every precaution necessary, but instead they put themselves out there and fought for the lives of the people. Quite frankly, I would probably do it too if I was certified and available at the time. Putting others first, and grasping onto a part of their journey, all while trying to get them back on their feet is something I strive for in a career. Granted, this wasn’t their career, but it was something they could look back on and say, “I made a difference and helped this world take a step in the right direction.” I along with them both know that sitting back and watching it all happen would kill us inside, so instead of staying safe, we would step out of our comfort zone, and do all that we could to help this community get back on their feet, stronger than before. Nothing can be done without a little help from the unexpected. Gathering together and supporting one another is what we need in order to see improvement, and these people working for the Red Cross did exactly this and made their lasting impact to be proud of. 

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